This certainly is not your standard “mothers’ day” story, and I wondered about whether to submit this for the contest. Finally I decided to go for it because ultimately it is the story of a mother’s love for her child.
This girl I met in America is so bad that I could not possibly tell you her true life story – you will think I made it all up. So I will tell you just a little bit, because truth, in this case, will definitely be less credible than fiction.
Misty was, and still is, a very pretty girl. Dark brown curly hair, piercing eyes, a classic Durga face and a million dollar smile. Wait, she has many laughs, one for seduction that will blow you away, another one is a joyous laughter that will make you fall in love with her in a second.
She ran away from home when she was fourteen. A pimp hooked up with her and she sold her body to old men in a far away city for a while.
Her mom could not handle her after she came back. She lived with foster parents.
During her first year in the foster home, she fell in love for the first time. With an older man. She always liked older men, the bad girl!
She had a daughter. Named her Summer Love. She was fifteen when Summer was born. Misty loved her more than anything else.
When Summer was two years old, Misty left her foster home with another female friend. Went to a big city with a fake ID to dance as a stripper. The cops came and arrested her, and took Summer away. She was seventeen. That’s the last time she saw Summer.
Let’s fast forward fifteen years. Misty has lived a fast life, indeed. Burglar, thief, hustler, con-artist, stripper, part-time hooker – she has done it all, with an off and on drug-addiction. And lots of men, mostly older men - her boyfriends, sex buddies, men she conned, men she robbed, men she blackmailed, men who gave her money and men who gave her drugs.
She had three more children from three different men. Miraculously, as the children grew older, she came to her senses. The hard drugs stopped. She started working regular jobs.
I got involved a few years ago, one of the older men in her life. I didn’t know about her past, I just succumbed to her beauty as a lonely middle-aged Desi fool.
Sometimes, after our wild sexual encounters, there were tender moments when she would tell me bits and pieces of her life. That’s when I found out how much she loved Summer.
“I would do anything to hold my baby girl just one time” Misty has told me many times.
During late night, when she is alone, her children asleep, she lays awake, thinking about her beautiful Summer Love, now a big girl. Does she think about her mom? What does she look like?
Misty would never know.
Or so she thought.
Right after New Year, Angela and David, her younger children, found Summer Love on the web. Misty and the kids looked at her picture for a long time. There she was, on Facebook, her profile reeking of solid middle-class ambience. Her adoptive parents must be very well-off. And, she is as beautiful as her mom was as a teenager, with the same dazzling smile!
Tears welled up in Misty’s piercing eyes. She never thought she would see her again.
Her children contacted Summer, and now she wants to talk to her mom, meet her mom.
But wait! This is complicated!
If Misty meets Summer, Summer will ask questions. A lot of them. She will meet her rainbow siblings – a black boy, a white boy and a Hispanic girl. It would be hard to hide a lifetime of debauchery, promiscuity and drug addiction from a seventeen year old and very curious teenage girl.
If Misty tries to lie through her teeth, Summer will know in a minute.
In any case, she will likely bolt from her trashy mom and go back to her middle class cocoon.
If Misty does not want to meet Summer, she will be so hurt that she probably will never contact her mom again.
Misty texts me. Yesterday.
“What should I do? I am crying. A lot!”
I am in India now, where twenty-five year old virgins swoon at their first kiss. In a few weeks, I will be back with her. A different world, indeed.
“Welcome to life, girl” I text back to her.
She will get to hug her daughter, finally. And she probably will lose her again. Forever.
The bad girl will grow up now. It’s about time.
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