Saturday, October 22, 2011

All you need to do id=s jjust ignore!!

I think being rich would mean more than anything being able to ignore whats important to most of the people. Thats the reason why we ant to be so rich so that we don't have to care about money, being famous, being a world to some people and all those external expectations and show offs. So we work our a** off to get to a point where we can ignore money and fame. There is an another way to get to this. All you have to do is succesfully ignore these expectations especially because they don't mean anything to you or to anybody. 
As long as you ae concerned, even after being a millionaire you know you are nothing but an a**hole. You kinda try to fool other people by the money and fame you 'bought'. Its funny from people's point of view too. They are only respecting you bcoz they are getting something from, fame (fight over taking picture since y're famous). But when u won't have those they won't look back. Remember the famous quote by Yuvraj Sing: "achha kheloge toh talia, nahi toh galiya' Dhoni after 2007 world cup crash couldn't reach hometown bcoz people are throwing stones at his house and 4 yrs later it all changed in 2011. So hust ignore (its free) and will feel happy

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